
Friday, June 1, 2018


Fake news is used often against leaders; Evo Morales has to contend with it in Bolivia and from other nations' journalists. Donald Trump is also a victim of fake news. The monster that the press had made Trump out to be has been so scary that it impeeds relations and damages international cooperation. Which is the aim of certain intel agencies: divide and conquer. Making a mess by deception.
Last month the newscasters reported that Trump called immigrants animals, and Morales responded. However, the press owes both men an apology. Here from the site of David Jefferson, an African American, is the debunking of the press in his country:

Earlier this week Donald Trump held a rally in Nashville. It was packed, and to the dismay of the lefty press, it was full of happy people talking about JOBS - and MS 13. Apparently this gang is liked by the lefty regime, with Nancy Pelosi telling us they are people. NO. They are animals. Only sick animals, and not even really sick animals, no creature in the animal kingdom actually does what they do - torture kids for instance, they are lower than animals. Let Pelosi invite them in.
The press got laughed at to their face by a 4-year-old who taunted them saying 'FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS'.
A 4-year-old.
And fake news is not just an issue for tots to ridicule, it is serious, like when the FAKE NEWS BRIGADE reported that Trump called immigrants animals. He did NOT. He called MS 13 animals.
The fake news understandably sent shock waves around the world, and leaders such as Evo Morales of Bolivia responded negatively to Trump. Which is what the enemies of both countries want. They want to divide and conquer with FAKE NEWS that even a 4-year-old can see through. Then they want to get MS 13 into Bolivia.
More fake news followed when the left showed photos of youngsters in cages. The photos were real; but they were taken in 2014, and Obama was in charge then. So the attempt to depict Trump in a bad light backfired. Real kids could see through that one too.
And real kids, and real adults, are fighting back in the press. In the New York Daily News on 21 May a reader, Nancy Kennedy,  wrote:

" I am, by no means, a supporter of Donald Trump, but the headline declaring that Trump called immigrants animals could not be more misleading. This is Yellow Journalism 101. Shame on you for distorting the facts. You led your readership to believe that Trump was calling all immigrants "animals." He was referring to the MS-13 gang members and, in a very rare instance, I agree with the President. In my town, this gang is a genuine threat. I do not want to see any of those members allowed in our country. Be careful, Daily News,  you are treading in dangerous waters here."

But not all lefties are against Trump. No less a person than former US President Jimmy Carter is saying that Trump merits a Noble Peace Prize, if he can get North Korea to abandon its nuclear arsenal. Carter is one of the few ever honest US presidents, and the rest of the left ought to listen up. But most likely they are too busy entertaining MS 13 members, who are fed at the expence of the taxpayer. Man, that has gotta stop. Along with all the FAKE NEWS. Time to get real


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bolivia, the US and MS 13

2018 brings us a whole new era in US history. The presidency of Donald J. Trump, and the vicious attacks his critics make on him every day. No doubt he has his faults. But he is not the monster that
the left wing extremists in the US make him out to be.
For instance, one of his first acts was to sign legislation in support of gay rights. Then he gave away his entire pay on each pay day to a charity. No one ever reported it, they were too busy reporting hearsay and slander.
Last week a rogue senator, one who has been contradicted by witnesses, accused Trump of calling many nations 's--thole countries'. As a matter of fact, some nations deserve that statement. Think of
the human rights abuses and religious persecution in so many.
Many try to instigate the Latin community against Trump; but it does not work. As soon as Mexicans
complain about the wall, Guatemalans, Salvadoreans and others complain about Mexico - which does not take refugees kindly. But which sends its criminals to the US. Trump has support among many Guatemalans and Salvadoreans.
Bolivians tend to keep an open mind, at this moment there is not a lot of interaction between Trump and Morales. The enemies of Bolivia and the US will try to keep it that way, or try to keep up the hysteria that Trump is a nazi. Idiotas! Much of his family is Jewish. He has black and Latin support, gay and Moslem support.
Whatever his faults, some of them could be private faults and not anybody's business, he has aided the US economy and people want him to build the wall; some have even already built a wall, as Texans could not wait for the White House to act, they had to build a 131 mile wall between El Paso and Texas. As soon as it was up, rape and murder went down.
And what with many rapes and murders committed by MS 13, it was a good idea.
MS 13 is not just coming to the US; it has its hands in South America, especially Brazil, and has branched out to the Philippines. Bolivia has wisely kept them out, or at least at a minimum. MS 13 are satan worshippers, some of them tied to Chinese intel bent on destroying El Salvador for its stance on human rights; it was the only nation to support Tibet in the UN.
But while Trump has MS 13 to deal with, he is reaching out positively to the Latin community. Which makes the left mad, so the spread lies about him. One does not have to like him - there are many things I do not - but one needs to at least be honest.
Trump is a powerful ally, or a powerful enemy. While he does not murder and torture people, leave that to MS 13 and some Mexican gangs which afflict other Mexicans - he can make the stupid, lying journalists look like the fools that they are.
Better to have him as a friend, in which case, he can create a lot of good.
There is a joke that Mexico is trying to get on his good side - because they want him to build a wall to keep out Guatemalans and Salvadoreans. Es broma, nada mas.
But in reality, many Latin leaders are sensing the real Donald from the bad hype. So let me make a prediction here: that Trump will be working closely with many Latin nations, including Bolivia, and that MS 13 and the terror gangs that sell drugs and kill Latin people will be his greatest enemy. In which case, Trump and Morales  and other Latin leaders will have a common enemy. Even if they are not best friends, I expect Morales and Trump to be on good terms later this year.