
Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Since Spring of 2011, a New York businessman has been in 'la jaula'- that is, prison,  in Bolivia -
and it is a strange case indeed; contrary to popular thought, it is not local corruption
that wants to extort money from the family - there are other forces keeping him from
getting a fair trial. He is BTW innocent of the money laundering charges that got attached to him after he bought land to grow rice from a Colombian drug dealer, now knowing what his sellor's past was. He did in fact grow rice and employ 200 people. So what's this about?
It all has to do with the US GOP, which has pulled strings, or rather a small power group inside the GOP, to keep the trial delayed so that he can be sprung mid October to help the hapless GOP candidates.
But it is not quite working, and most likely Jacob will stay in jail. The Bolivian government is also being set up in this, there are GOP members who want to use it against Evo Morales, who is not directly involved.
A top official I will leave unnamed in Bolivia is, but not without ties to shadowy figures who go in and out of the US Embassy.
I am posting this here to start to document the fraud. If the Bolivian government knew exactly what was happening, he would be set free ASAP, but they are being set up and lied to.
So we'll see.